Brunette ambition

Brunette ambition by Lea Michele.

If there has been 1 book I have been waiting for it has to be this 1 by Lea Michele her first book is just about everything from food, beauty, fashion and her career from glee and when she was on Broadway.There are 10 chapter's it's such a good read and to find out a bit more about her and while this is not a autobiography it is more a memo for her first book but she has done it very well and I love this book.

I don't really like many book's where I can read over and over again  can count on my hand how many I can reread but I do believe this might be 1 of them book's where I can just read and read over again. I love the style and how well it is written especially as it is not a autobiography. I'm also excited to say she will be writing another book which I cant wait to get my hand's on when that come's out.

I would say if you like these kind's of book's you would love this book everything in this book I love these type's of book's myself so this was right wanted I wanted to read and for Lea Michele to bring this type of book out I thought was a good move on her part as she always look's amazing and I love knowing some of the food beauty and fashion she like's I love everything about her I think she is amazing.

Hope you all liked this post. Leave me a comment if you like.
