My new obsession.
For a few weeks now I have been trying out the L'oreal super liner in black and before getting this I have tried so many liner's before for my top lid but I could never do it right it always looked silly because of how shaky the liner was and how is was thick then not. So I was never 1 for many liner and none really stood out for me to get and want to try as I though it was a waste of money because I would not be good using them but with this new super liner I have found it to a lot better for me to use and I find it does look better.
I don't really no what made me buy this but im so glad I did and while im not the best even with this liner I now feel that I can at least try and get better and try some other liner's out there that might be good as well for me. The formula for this is really good last Sunday I had a christening to go to and I wanted my liner to stay on all day and that is what it did I never had to touch up it never moved or made a mess on my lid's and now with using this liner I feel like my make up look's a lot better (it does to me anyway).
you can get it from feel unique here for £6.49