Life up date.

Life up date.

I've been thinking of doing a life up date post for a while just to say whats been going on in my life and for my self as well so I can look back and see how its been so far.

Well last year i got engaged we knew we wanted to get married in 2017 so that gave use over a year to plan the wedding and find the right place which we fond really quickly we looked at 3 places but it was the last place we seen that we knew was perfect for us. We wanted privacy and the hotel to ourselves which we got with this hotel and the place looks amazing and they are doing some refurbished which will make it look even better.

As for where im at with everything else i have pretty much done everything which has surprised me  I keep thinking im missing something but ive ask a few people who have been married to see if i have missed anything and so far I haven't I done so much at the start of the year that now i only have the little bits get buy for the day ie guest book and so on but every big think is all booked. I have been quite lucky that my partner said i can plan it all and all he wanted was a car and ive done that as well which has made my partner very happy.

I've also been looking at moving out hopefully very soon it wont be until after the wedding but we are hoping sooner if possible we cant wait to get our own space and being able to buy our own things and make it our own home we would love to buy a house but will have to see if not we will rent then buy in a few years.

 Im also still in the same job just moved to a different shop which is closer to my house so I can now walk to work and not have to be driven there. I've still dont done my driving lessons yet but hopefully soon i can start it hard because of how much money I have going out there just never seem to be any money left over or the time.

I recently got Netflix as well and i have to say its the best think ive got and I cant stop watching everything on there there are a few shows I have really enjoyed watching and cant wait till the next seasons are out. Also with Pokemon go released in the UK ive been in love i love the game it has made me get out the house more which I love. I love to walk anyway but never really knew where to go but with Pokemon go I just walk now.

I've also had a bit of stresses as my laptop and computer decided to break a few days apart which has caused so much stress for everyday life when we needed to use the computer we couldn't so had to save some money up to finally get a new laptop and then the next thing to save for is a computer which will take a bit longer.But now that I finally have a laptop I can get more blog post up and finally start working towards with getting this blog even better.

In June 2016 after I came back from Cuba me and my partner went and go a kitten who is  now a year and 3 months the time has flew by he was so small when we first got him and now he is so big and full of energy and just wants to be out and play all the time but he does still love a cuddle now and then.We have also been thinking of getting a dog soon but still not to sure which one to get as of yet.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed x
